ETC ( Education Technology Collaborative) is our sister organisation in the US who presented at our annual conference in Swansea in July. 

Further to ongoing collaboration they have extended a presentation invite to their annual conference 20th – 23rd September hosted by the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. 2023 Annual Conference ( If you are interested in presenting on a developing or delivered project or service to support, enhance and deliver educational technology please submit an expression of interest using the following link SCHOMS Presentation Bursaries. Closing date for the expression of interest stating why you would like to attend and the topic of the presentation in less than 100 words is 18 August 2023.

The SCHOMS bursary will cover conference attendance, meals, travel expenses and accommodation up to the value of £2200.

If you would like to know more about the conference and range of topics please email [email protected].

Our Vision: To provide strategic direction in the development and support of learning environments, systems, associated technologies, and professionals.
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