
Great Hall  GH014

How to Manage and Develop Workgroup Skillsets & How to Make Time for the Fun Stuff

Remote Delivery 

This is a training interaction on important practical techniques for prospective and established AV technical workgroup managers. In this session we will cover:

  • Build staff skillsets quickly and for free
  • Giving space to the essence of being a technician
  • Develop your people for themselves as well as the service
  • Keeping it real – learning what is necessary and immediately usable

Noel Bruton - Lead Instructor AVIXA | Author and Service Management Pioneer, Bruton Consultancy

Noel Bruton is a UK-based independent consultant and trainer, specializing in the management of technology support workgroups. He is a bestselling author of books in this field. His experience is sought by commercial and public service organizations, conferences, press and broadcast media around the world. He has been in IT since 1979 and advising corporations on improving IT.

E: [email protected]


Great Hall GH014

Needs Analysis and Writing Tenders: 

How to Document Your Needs and Get a System that Meets Your expectations

Face to face delivery

Want to get a system like you envisioned it?  Documenting your needs, wants, and extras, gives the potential vendors an accurate scope of work and you will get better responses to your tenders.  More than that, you now have your tick list to ensure the system was built properly the first time.  We will be discussing how best practices, guidelines, and standards can help you be more consistent on your tender requests.

Paul Streffon - Senior Staff Instructor / Technical Advisor AVIXA

Paul has more than 35 years of experience in the AV industry.  He has worked in many different areas within the industry: production, system design, installation, sales, marketing, management, and education. Most recently Paul was Director of Sales for tvONE, Inc.  He was National Sales Manager for Digital Processing Systems and a regional technical supervisor for Sony Electronics.  Streffon holds two degrees, an M.B.A., Management and Business, and a B.S. in Broadcast Electronics.  He also earned an FCC Commercial Operator license. Paul is an AV volunteer for his local church community.

E: [email protected]

W: avixa.org


Great Hall GH014

Service Level Agreements and Key Performance Indicators: 

What’s the Difference and How Can They Make Life Easier?

Face to face delivery

We will delve into the thought processes of what and when to measure your system performance.  SLA and KPIs are two tools that seem similar, both include measuring performance targets, but to what end?  Should we pay extra for some of the things we are measuring?  How important is uptime and how costly is the downtime?  Who is responsible for doing the measurements and improvements against the metric?  Come prepared to have a lively discussion on what your pain points are and how they might be measured.

Paul Streffon - Senior Staff Instructor / Technical Advisor AVIXA

E: [email protected]

W: avixa.org

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